Wednesday, December 10, 2008

72 Hour Film Competition

I wasn't sure if I should post about this here in fear that it may be received as shameless self-promotion, but here goes...

Our film "Paper Edit" ("Our" being me and about 20 of my classmates) that was submitted to the National 72-hour film competition has made it into the top 17. Approximately 180 films were entered, but only 17 were selected for the next phase of judging (oh how I love being judged). So now, they will choose an overall winner, and an audience award winner. The audience award is determined entirely by online vote. 

SO- go to , and vote for "Paper Edit". Well before I get ahead of myself, you need to know that in order to vote, you must register. You can register by following this link. Then you will be able to vote. Personally I would encourage you to vote for our film "Paper Edit", but no pressure, follow the pitter patter patterns of your heart and vote for your favorite. 

Speaking of voting... yes this post is still going, when click on a video to watch, you should see a vertical "scale" on the right side of the screen with numbers from 1-10. That is how you vote, so technically you can vote for all the videos. If you don't see the little voting scale, try refreshing the page.

Anyways, at the very least I'd love to hear what you have to say about the our film "Paper Edit", whether it be good, bad, or just straight up mean, I want to hear it, so post here or post at the filmchallenge web page. Just keep in mind, everything in our film (and the others I would suspect) was completed in 72 hours.

1 comment:

Scott Stephens said...

I like the short. You got my vote. Since I had to register, probably can't vote more than once I assume.

I like the concept. By the way, I think the titles at the end are great!

You should check out for further inspiration.

Great work!